21st Century COE Program
21st Century COE Program
“Social Management Systems Science” proposed by Kochi University of Technology has been selected as part of the 21st Century COE Program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan in 2004.
Based on its “University Structural Reform Plan” (June, 2001), the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology began a research based establishment subsidy known as the “21st Century COE program in 2002. COE stands for “Center Of Excellence”. In order for the universities of Japan to promote education and research activities at the same level as the world’s top-level universities, it is important to establish a more competitive environment through competition between universities based on third person evaluation. This program forms a research and educational base of the highest standards in the universities of our country, and offers prioritized support in order to facilitate the work of creative people who improve the level of research and lead the world. Thus, it aims to create and restructure universities that are unique and internationally competitive.
(Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)21st Century COE Program Annual Report
Only in Japanese
21世紀COEプログラム 高知工科大学報告書2005年3月 ~社会マネジメントシステム~より
2.1 基礎材料・構造系研究領域 2.2 インフラマネジメント技術領域 2.3 システムマネジメント技術領域 2.4 社会システムの経営に対する貢献領域3. 教育プログラム
「社会マネジメント・システム学」における教育拠点形成 シラバス
21世紀COEプログラム 高知工科大学報告書2006年3月 ~社会マネジメントシステム~より
2.1 社会マネジメントシステム 2.2 社会資本マネジメントシステム2.2-1 社会資本ライフスパンシミュレーションシステム 2.2-2 社会資本アセットマネジメントシステム 2.2-3 建設マネジメントシステム2.3 行政マネジメントシステム2.3-1 自治体行政マネジメントシステム2.3-2 途上国行政マネジメントシステム2.3-3 防災情報マネジメントシステム2.3-4 地域コミュニティ2.4環境マネジメントシステム
21世紀COEプログラム 高知工科大学報告書2007年3月 ~社会マネジメントシステム~より
2.1 社会マネジメントシステム2.2 社会資本マネジメントシステム
- Proposal of Effective Quality Control and Insurance System of Construction Industry
- Conceptual Structure of New Public Management ~ Design Methodology of New Public Management and System Maintenance ~
2.2-1 社会資本ライフスパンシミュレーションシステム2.3 行政マネジメントシステム2.2-2 社会資本アセットマネジメントシステム
- Self-Compacting Concrete in Developing Countries: A Case in Cambodia
- Design of Pretension Girder Bridge for Cambodian Rehabilitation
- Design of Pretension Prestressed Concrete Girder Brindge for Cambodian Rehabilitation
- Design of Prestressed Concrete Girder for Bridge Rehabilitation and Construction in Developing Countries
- Thermal Stress Cracking Phenomena of Low-heat Hydration Concrete with Cement Ingredient Dependency
- Change in flowability of self-compacting concrete due to pumping
- Crack Monitoring Using A Digital Camera and an Image Total Station
- Modeling of the Surface Chloride Reduction Due to Excess Absorbability
- Bond Strength of Self-Comapacting Mortar
- Local Stress Approach for Fatigue Assessment of Welled Joint
2.2-3 建設マネジメントシステム
- Conditional Equilibrium Analysis System of Service Level and Budget Allocation for Road Pavement by Deterioration Model of MCI
- 国道32号の渋滞緩和策を目的とした新たな道路運用方法の提案
- 産業連関分析による高知工科大学の経済効果に関する研究
- CCTVを用いた越波検出システムの開発
- CCTVの画像処理による旅行時間検出システムの開発
- Were Conventional Public Construction Procurement Practicles in Japan Really Unique and Problematic?
- Planning Model of Infrastructure Project in China
- Problem Analysis and Suggestion for Chinese Highway Projects Financed by State Corporations
- Improving Performance of the Construction Industry in Developing Countries Through Integrated System for Human Resources and Infrastructure Development(ISHID)
- Future Direction of Japan’s Official Development Assistance(ODA) in Infrastructure Development
- リスクマネジメントの視点から見たわが国の公共工事 入札・契約方式の特性分析と改革に関する-考察
2.3-1 自治体行政マネジメントシステム
- A Study of Investment Loss on Public Service Providing
- A Study on Restructuring of Administrative Management System of Local Governments
- Evaluation and Decision Method of Outsoursing in the Administration
- 水道事業における行政経営システムと事務・事業に関わる原価管理システムの構築
- 原価計算システムの開発 -安芸市を対象として-
- 地方自治体における廃棄物瀬策に関する研究~香南清掃組合を対象として~
- Evaluation of Support System for Driving Narrow Road
- ノーガード電停に対する安全対策に関する取組み
- Development of the Pedestrian Information System to Improve the Safety in the Intermediate and Mountainous Area
- Regional Development through Autonomy Establishment in Contemporary West-China—-The case of Chengdu’s Five Golden Flowers
- Fundamental Theory of New Public Management -System Design Methodology and System Maintenance-
2.3-2 途上国行政マネジメントシステム2.3-3 防災情報マネジメントシステム
- Monitoring Method of Landslide Using Laser Scanner-Accurate Geometric Transformation by Multi Surfaces Measurement
- Establishing Spatial Database for Slope Failure with GPS Digital Camera
- The Accuracy of Map Digitizing by using Digital Camera
- Automated Registration with High to Medium/High Resolution Satellite Data
- Creating a Disaster Prevention System Using New Public Management Methodology
- 面計測を利用したレーザースキャナデータの座標変換
- Possibility of Wide Area Monitoring of Slope Failure Disaster Using PRISM
- Digital Surface Model based Image Matching for Image Registration
- Template Image Preparation to Register the High Resolution Satellite Date
- Registration for Digital Camera Image of Paper Map Distorted by Transparent Film
- Accuracy Evaluation of Laser Scanner Date Depending on Location of GCPs for Monitoring Landslide
- Establishment of Control Points for Digital Photogrammetry to Archive 3D Model of Relics
2.3-4 地域コミュニティ2.4環境マネジメントシステム
- Optimum Hyperspectral Models for Estimation of Suspended Sediments in Surface Water
- Assessment of Suspended Sediment Concentration in The Surface Water Using Remote Sensing
- Estimating Suspended Sediment Concentration in Turbid Water using Remotely Sensed Data
- A Practical Study For A Sustainable Wood-Based Energy Supply System -Case example for Heating Greenhouse Crops-
- Administration Model for Urban Green Spaces in terms of Cool Island Effect
- 四万十川流域を対象とした間伐材利用による流域環境経営システムの開発
- 間伐材利用による四万十川流域環境経営システムの開発
- エコロジカル・サニテーション序論
- 物部川の水利用効率化に関する基礎的研究
21世紀COEプログラム 高知工科大学報告書2008年3月 ~社会マネジメントシステム~より
2.1 社会マネジメントシステム3. 国際ワークショップ2.2 社会資本マネジメントシステム
- 流域環境経営分析モデルの構築(沖縄県石垣市サトウキビ栽培の赤土砂流出抑制対策への適用)
- Global Collaboration and Technology Impact for Regional Development -A Successful Case in Japanese Flower Industry-
- Re-Energizing a Regional Small Manufacturing Company Through Metamorphosis into Autonomous Business from a Subcontractor
- Development of the Analytical Model for Farm Management to Decrease Red Soil Runoff in Ishigaki Island
- Development of a Sustainable Community Management System Applying Conversion Technology of Forest Resources to Energy
- Binominal Changing Volatility Approach to Subprime Loan Problem
- Emerging Equity Markets and its Integration
- Optimal Asset Allocation in Surplus Approach of Pension Fund
- Registration for Digital Camera Image of Paper Map Distorted by Transparent Film
2.2-1 社会資本ライフスパンシミュレーションシステム2.3 行政マネジメントシステム2.2-2 社会資本アセットマネジメントシステム 2.2-3 建設マネジメントシステム
- 耐震性能に立脚した既存のRC建物のライフサイクルコストに関する研究
- Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Column using Vinylon Fiber as Tie Hoop
- 段落しによって曲げ耐力分布を作用モーメントに一致させた柱部材の変形性能に関する研究
- Compressive Strength of Mortar with High Amount of Super-Plasticizer
- 高知工科大学におけるスタディスキルズ授業について
- Developing Appropriate Construction Management Education for Infrastructure Development and Management
- エンジニアリングデザイン教育の現状と今後の展開
- Engineering Design 教育プログラム実施に関わる基礎研究
- Claim/dispute management provisions in Japanese public construction works and ODA construction project
- A Study on Issues in the Cambodian Construction Industry
- Changing Organization Culture of University in a Least Development Country
- モンゴルにおける大学関連携による人材育成・技術開発活動
- 国際契約マネジメント教育プログラム構築・展開に関する研究
- 国内建設プロジェクトにおけるCM契約約款に関する研究
- A Basic Study on Geological Risk Reduction in Japan Public Works
- Making Claim/Dispute Management System in Japanese Public Works Construction Compatible with International Construction Market
- Internationalizing the Japanese Construction Industry Issues of Opening the Market and Recommendations
- A Basic Research on Comprehensive Evaluation of Public Works in Kochi City
- A Study on Construction Management Contract for Construction Project in Japan
- Production and Examination of Prestress loss of Precast Prestressed Concrete Bridge Girder Using Self-Compacting Concrete in Cambodiae
- Research on a New CFT column-CFT beam Frame Structure
2.3-1 自治体行政マネジメントシステム
- 中山間歩行者注意喚起システムの開発とその効果検証
- 地域バス情報システムの開発と導入社会実験 ―高知における地域ITSの取り組みから―
- 国道32号の渋滞緩和策を目的とした新たな道路運用方法の提案
- トンネル内における歩行者安全対策に関する実践的研究
- 中山間部道路での対向車接近表示システム(中山間道路走行支援システム)の設置前後における運転行動と意識の変化
- ITS 技術を用いたトンネルの歩行者安全対策の提案と検証
- A Study of Investment Loss on Public Service Providing
- Construction of Methodology Concerning Plan of Policy and Measures and Administrative Management System
- Method of Evaluating the Feeling of Burden Experienced by Caregivers: from Concept of System Maintenance
- Past, Present and Future of Municipal Solid Waste Management in Spain
2.3-2 途上国行政マネジメントシステム2.3-3 防災情報マネジメントシステム
- Three Dimensional Measurement by Satellite Remote Sensing for Disaster Monitoring
- Accurate Geometric Transformation of Laser Scanner Data for Landslide Monitoring
- Psychological Structuring of Citizen’s Willingness for Seismic Reinforcement of Houses
- 面計測を利用したレーザースキャナデータの座標変更
- Possibility of Wide Area Monitoring of Slope Failure Disaster Using PRISM: Accuracy Verification with Geometric Distortion
- Accuratcy Evaluation of Laser Scanner Data Depending on Location of GCP for Monitoring Landslide
- Establishment of Control Points for Digital Photogrammetry to Achieve 3D Model of Relics
- Geometric Error Assessment on Satellite Imagery for GIS Analysis
2.3-4 地域コミュニティ2.4環境マネジメントシステム
- Assesing the Potential of Remotely Sensed Data for Water Quality Monitoring of Coastal and Inland Waters
- Optimization of Dam Operation Rule to Improve Water Environment in Monobe River
- A Framework of Watershed Management from the Viewpoints of Project Risk Management
- The Importance of Environmental Conservation ? Lake Biwa’s Case ?
- Feasibility Analysis of Acquiring Forest Certification System in the Monobe River Basin’s Forest
- 「エコロジカルサニテーション」と「バイオトイレ」~大規模・集中から小規模・分散システムへの政策転換の意義
- Digital Surface Model based Image Matching for Image Registration
- Template Image Preparation to Register the High Resolution Satellite Data
- Monitoring Suspended Sediment Concentrations in Surface Waters of the Indus River, Pakistan from ALOS Data
- Effect of Suspended Sediment Concentration on Remote Sensing Reflectance and Lifht Penetration Depth
- Application of Remotely Sensed Data for Quantification of Suspended Sediment in Turbid River Water
- KUT-PCRWR Joint Symposium – Advanced Technology for Water Resources Development and Management(議事録)
- 高知工科大学・パキスタン水資源研究会議 共同国際シンポジウム詳細 (パキスタン・イスラマバード)